“The man must always make the first move,” “Never talk about ex-partners on the first date,” or “If you reach out too soon, you seem needy” – the world of dating is full of clichés and supposed rules. But which of these rules are truly helpful, and which can even hold you back? Let’s debunk the most common dating clichés and find out how to stay authentic.

Dating Cliché 1: The man must make the first move

This cliché is one of the oldest dating myths out there. In a modern world where equality is emphasized, it is perfectly fine for women to make the first move as well. What matters much more is that you feel comfortable and are honest about your feelings. It’s not about who makes the first move, but how the communication between you develops.

Dating Cliché 2: You shouldn’t talk about ex-partners

Of course, you don’t want to bring heavy topics to the table on a first date. However, completely avoiding conversations about ex-partners is unnecessary. If the topic comes up casually, feel free to discuss it – just keep it brief and avoid negative details. The focus should be on enjoying the here and now and getting to know each other.

Dating Cliché 3: Wait three days before reaching out

This “rule” comes from a time when people wanted to create artificial tension. Today, such behavior seems impersonal. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out the next day. Show your date that you mean it and that you are honest. Authenticity is more appreciated than calculated games.

Dating Cliché 4: Men always pay

This rule is outdated as well. Nowadays, it’s common for both parties to fairly address the billing issue. Whether splitting the bill or taking turns paying – what’s important is that you both agree and feel good about it. Communication is key here.

Dating Cliché 5: Dates must be perfectly planned

Sometimes spontaneous meetings and casual activities are much more authentic than elaborately planned evenings. The most important thing is that you both feel comfortable and have fun. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a coffee in a cozy café, or a shared hobby – what matters is that there’s chemistry.

Tips for a successful date

Regardless of clichés, here are some tips to help you enjoy a date:

  1. Be yourself: Authenticity is key. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not to please someone else.
  2. Listen: Show genuine interest in your date by listening attentively and engaging with what they say.
  3. Relax: Dates are not exams. View them as an opportunity to get to know someone without putting pressure on yourself.
  4. Let go of rules: Follow your gut feeling instead of relying on rigid dating rules.

Conclusion: There are no fixed rules for a successful date

Every date is unique, and the chemistry between two people cannot be forced by clichés or rules. The most important thing is to stay open, feel comfortable, and not be guided by external expectations. Relax, enjoy the moment, and find your own way to get to know your date.

Would you like to learn more about how to date successfully? Visit kronfeger.com and discover coaching offers that can help you present yourself authentically and confidently in the dating world.